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Dear Parents,
Please review the following information on the school health program. Please visit my eBoard for more information, including important health forms, notices, health homework, information on health events, news articles, and more.
Emergency Cards
It is very important that you review, correct, and return the emergency information sheet that is given out in September. We need to be able to find parents or other responsible adults that you designate in case of illness, injury or other emergency.
Health Screenings
There are several health screenings that are done over the year, usually after the winter holidays. These may include vision, growth, hearing, and blood pressure. If you do not want these screenings done, please send in a note in writing at the beginning of the year. Please have them completed by your own healthcare provider and send in the results to me so that I can keep your child’s school health record current.
The administration of medication in school is strictly regulated. Any medication, including over the counter medication such as Tylenol, must have a healthcare provider’s written order and written parent permission. It must be sent in the original container (often, a pharmacy will give you two bottles, one for home and one for school). The medication form is available in my office, the main office and also on our web page. Our school doctor has written an order for throat lozenges so that I can give out one for cough or sore throat. If you do not want your child to receive this, please send in a note. Children are not permitted to keep cough drops or any other medication in the classroom.
Health Classes
I am also the Health Teacher for grades Kindergarten, 1, 3 and 4. The curriculum for each grade is available on my eBoard. Please feel free to stop by or call me with any questions about our Health lessons.
Physical Examinations
Reports of physical examinations and health histories are required for children entering the school for the first time, and for fourth graders. Physical examinations are no longer done at school; if you do not have a healthcare provider, we can arrange for you to take your child to Dr. Frank Meeteer’s office (our school physician) in Mount Laurel for the examination.
Guidelines for School Attendance
It can often be difficult to decide whether to keep your child home if he or she is complaining of not feeling well. Here are some general guidelines for keeping your child home:
- Fever above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning)
- Vomiting or diarrhea (may return 24 hours after the last episode)
- Eye(s) stuck closed with dried crusts or appears red and/or has drainage (must have doctor’s note stating that the child is not contagious to return)
- Excessive nasal drainage or persistent cough
- Unusual rash, especially an extensive rash or one with blisters (check with your doctor for cause and when able to return)
- Listlessness and lethargy without cause (i.e., child has had a full night’s sleep)
- Less than 24 hours on an antibiotic for treatment of strep throat or other contagious illness
- Any sign of lice infestation, i.e. nits or live bugs. Please let me know about it so that I can check the others in the classroom, otherwise it can get out of control very quickly.
Health services help to support your child’s educational experience. If you have any questions or need to contact me about a medical concern, please call me at 429-0811 ext. 105, or leave a message with the main office, and I will return your call.
— Loretta Macconi, RN, MSN
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